Tactical Grip Glove for Beretta 92FS M9 PX4 Storm - Pachmayr

Pachmayr 05160
UPC: 34337051602
Weight: 0.50 pounds
Product Description
Grip Glove 05160 – Beretta 92FS, M9, PX4 Storm, Hi-Point 380 and 9mm - Pachmayr
Grip Gloves are the only Slip-Ons that “fit like a glove.”
Custom designed for each model
Ventilated side panels
Flexible Ultra-Soft Rubber Technology
Ideal for concealed carry
Slip-On that fits like a Glove. Grip Gloves are custom molded for each pistol
model. Ideal for polymer frame handguns with no replacement grips available.
Made from Pachmayr Decelerator material, Grip Gloves deliver enhanced control
and will absorb recoil for your semi-auto.
custom fit feels like an extension of your handgun grip. The ultra-soft,
ultra-stretchy material makes installation a snap. No trimming, no need for
soap and water. Distinctive ventilated side panels and a professional look.
is synonymous with the term Recoil Reduction. If you have been searching for
the highest quality American Made recoil reduction products, you can be rest
assured you have found them. Pachmayr has been making the highest quality
products using technologically advanced process to ensure that shooters have
the very best available. Pachmayr is 100% designed and manufactured right here
in the USA.