Slip On Grip for Small Frame Pistols - Finger Groove - Pachmayr

Pachmayr 05110
UPC: 34337051107
Weight: 0.50 pounds
Product Description
Slip on
Grip for Small Frame Handguns with Finger Grooves - Black – Pachmayr
all models listed plus others similar in style:
American Arms: CX-22 DA PK22, PX22, PX25
AMT: .380 Auto D.A.
Davis: .32, .380
EAA: European Model
Interarms: Firestar
Llama: .380
Lorcin: L25
QFI: LA380
Sig: P230
Sphinx: AT380
Taurus: PT-22, PT-25
Walther: PPK
Pachmayr slip-on grips are the softest and easiest to install. Made from a
special rubber formula that gives superior stretch yet maintains a tight fit.
The Gripper small Slip-On Combat finger groove design fits small automatic
pistols with single stack magazines. Grip is richly textured and has a finger
groove front.
Flexible Ultra-Soft Rubber
Color: Black