Silencers Principles and Evaluations Military Manual Book - Militaria Press

Product Description
Militaria Press – Silencers
Principles and Evaluations – Militaria
The Silencers
Principles and Evaluations Report from Militaria Press has descriptions of 5
different types of silencers and provides conclusions and recommendations.
208 pages and only 5.5”
x 8.5”
Manual includes descriptions
of .22 Hi-standard pistol French Silencers, Cal. 30 M1903 Rifle/maxim
silencers, M-1 carbine, 9mm pistol, 9mm Sten, .45 M3 Submachine gun and more.
Militaria Press has
been supplying Military Manuals, Gun Cleaning Supplies, Self Defense Products
and more for over 40 + years.