Personal Firearms Log Book - Gun Guides

Product Description
Gun-Guides Personal Firearms Log Book – Gun Guides
Keep track of all yor needed firearm information in one simple book.
Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
Easy to use -- Comb binding lies open and flat on your work surface.
32 pages. Cardstock cover. Bright white paper. Size: 8 1/2" x 5 1/2".
Organize vital information for all of your firearms into one log book. Includes 30 forms, one per page. Form contains fields to identify and describe your specific firearm by manufacturer, serial #, model, action, finish, barrel length, replairs/modifications, attached accessories/optics, and other unique characteristics found only on your firearms.
Form also contain fields to record storage location, where you aquired the firearm, current value (firearm, accessories, magazines, optics, etc.), date sold, and ample room for you to add your specific notes about each firearm. All firearms are quickly referenced using your Index of Firearms Page. Fields are self-explanatory and provide all the required information for your collection, family, or potential insurance claim.
Collectors may want to consider separate Log Books for each category of firearms in their collection such as Rifles, Shotguns, Handguns, Revolvers, or by Manufacturer.
Manufacturer: ___________ Rifle Shotgun Handgun
Model: ______________ Action:_______________
Serial#: ____________ Caliber/Gauge: _________ Finish:__________
Barrel Length: ___________ Storage Location:________________
Limited Edition/Condition/Bluebook Rating: ________________________
Attached Accessories/Optics: ________________________________
Magazines/Preferred Ammo: __________________________________
Acquired From: ______________ Current Value/Insured: ___________
Notes: ____________________________________________________
Date Sold: _________________________________________________
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