X-22 Backpacker Ruger Takedown 10/22 Stock - Black - Magpul

Product Description
Made for the Ruger 10/22 Takedown rifle, the X-22 Backpacker offers a minimalist solution without compromising shooting performance.
The Magpul X-22 Backpacker stock takes the function of the full-size Hunter X-22 Takedown, and pares it down for ease of storage and transportation.
Built in storage compartment for extra magazine storage.
A hinged storage compartment in the stock holds 3 spare 10rd magazines.
MOE SL non-slip rubber butt pad.
For the Ruger 10/22 Takedown Rifles and SBX barrels.
Made in the USA.
-Drop-in design compatible with all factory Ruger 10/22 Takedown
-Unique locking interface to attach the barrel assembly to the stock body when being transported
-Reinforced polymer construction for strength and durability
-Ergonomic hand guard
-Comes with interchangeable standard and "optic height" cheek risers
-Optional QD sling mounting capability
-Integrated storage compartment in the grip
-Hinged storage compartment in the stock capable of storing up to 3 spare 10rd magazines
-MOE SL nonslip rubber butt pad
Standoff Plug
The X-22 Backpacker is configurable for either standard taper barrels or 0.920” bull barrels. The stock comes preconfigured for standard taper barrels if installation of a bull barrel is desired remove the round barrel standoff plug in the forend.
Installing Receiver
Step 1:
Remove receiver and screws from existing stock
and forend per manufacturer’s instructions.
Be sure safety switch is centered during removal and installation of receiver.
Step 2:
Make sure
barrel and receiver are still together and locked into place. Place receiver
into X-22 backpacker stock, install receiver screw, and tighten to 20in-lb
according to manufacturer’s instructions.
Step 3:
Install forend to barrel and set gap so it
does not interfere with stock when “taking down” the rifle. Tighten screw to
Takedown block may need to be adjusted if desired gap is not achievable. Please
refer to manufacturer’s instructions for adjustment. If you find your forend
does not align well with the stock body, adjustment of the barrel clamp block
may be needed. See instruction below.
Step 4: Verify install and perform function check, including safety switch function.
Note: Upon installation, the safety switch may rotate and put the detent spring out of alignment. If necessary, rotate safety by hand to re-engage detent.
Adjusting Forend Alignment, if Needed
Step 1:
Separate barrel
from receiver following factory instructions.
Step 2:
Loosen barrel clamp block retaining screws and
shift clamp to the right (looking down at the screw heads). Lightly snug barrel
clamp block retaining screws and reinstall barrel being careful not to rotate
too far and disturb the barrel clamp block.
Step 3:
Carefully rotate barrel and forend until
forend and stock body align.
Step 4:
Separate barrel
from receiver being carful not to disturb the barrel clamp block.
Step 5:
Tighten barrel
clamp block retaining screw to 20in-lb according to manufacturer’s
Step 6: Reassemble barrel to receiver. Verify install and perform function check.
Step 1:
Separate barrel
from receiver following factory instructions.
Step 2:
Insert barrel
shank into barrel plug at the toe of the stock, and pivot barrel into locked
position. Ensure the forend locks into place and is secured by the forend
latch. Confirm the barrel is secure by gently pulling the barrel away from the
stock, the barrel should not move.
Note: Failure to confirm secure storage may result in damage of the stock and/or barrel.
Step 1:
Separate the
forend from the stock by pressing the release button on the left and right side
of the forend, pull the barrel away from the stock and remove barrel from the
barrel plug.
Step 2: Reassemble barrel to receiver. Verify install and perform function check.
Cheek Riser & Storage
Riser Storage Compartment
Magpul X-22 Backpacker Stock has and integrally hinged storage compartment in
the cheek riser portion of the stock. To open storage compartment, slide
storage door latch forward towards muzzle and lift storage door. To close simply
press down on the storage door until the latch engages on the stock.
Cheek Riser Storage Capabilities
compartment can store up to 3 spare 10 round magazines, or by repositioning of
the storage divider 1 10 round magazine and 1 50 round box of ammo.
To reposition the storage divider, remove from the standard location and insert into the stowed position at the rear of the compartment.
“Optic Height” Storage Door
The Magpul X-22 Backpacker Stock includes an “optic height” storage door riser which provides an additional ½” comb height for use of optics mounted on the receiver or the X-22 Backpacker Optics mount (MAG799).
To swap
out risers open the storage door all the way until the lug clears the slot and
pull off. To install replacement riser simply align the hinge lug on the storage
door slot and press down until the lug pops into place. Close the storage door
riser and ensure proper function before use.
NOTE: X-22 Backpacker Optics Mount (MAG799) sold separately.
Grip Storage
The Magpul
X-22 Backpacker Stock has a water-resistant storage compartment in the grip
which provides additional storage for a small multitool or other survival equipment.
To access the grip storage compartment, depress the locking latch portion of
the grip core and remove the grip core from the stock. To reinstall, slide the
grip core into the grip until the locking latch engages.
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