1911 AI Aligner Insert for UpLULA - Maglula


Item #: BUP65G


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Manufacturer MPN:
Maglula UP65G

UPC: 858003000653
Weight: 0.50 pounds

Product Description

1911 AI Aligner Insert for UpLULA - Maglula

An aligning insert add-on for the UpLULA and 22UpLULA loaders. It assists in loading single-stack magazines by eliminating wiggling of the magazine inside the loader. It connects to and is used with an existing loader, it’s not a new loader. Sold separately from the loader.  

If you are using a single-stack magazine whether .45 cal. 1911, 9mm single-stack, or .22LR cal. converted  1911, as examples, we highly recommend that you use our new 1911AI Aligner Insert with your UpLULA or 22UpLULA loader. With it single-stack magazine will not wiggle inside the wide body of these loaders.

The 1911AI inserts are packed two in a blister. Please connect the 1911AI Aligner Insert to the ring of the loader and thereafter it can be ‘clicked’ to the bottom of the loader to narrow it when using single-stack magazines. You can easily release it when loading wide-body mags.  Constructed of durable reinforced polymer.

Assists loading single-stack magazines, like:
.45 cal 1911 magazines
.40 cal 1911-wide magazines
9mm cal single-stack magazines
.22LR cal converted 1911-wide magazines

The 1911AI is useful with mags width less than 14.5mm (0.57"). Wider mags will not fit in.
S&W Shield mags do not require the 1911AI with the UpLULA.
Glock 42 mags do not require the 1911AI with the UpLULA.

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