Leapers UTG
Since 1992, Leapers UTG has supplied shooting, hunting and outdoor gear. Galati International offers a wide selection of Leapers UTG products including rifle scopes, scope mounts, dot sights, firearm parts and nylon gear.
UTG Combat Tactical Wind Elevation Adjustable Red Laser Sight - Leapers
Item #: LESCPLS268
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UTG Windage Elevation Adjustable Compact Green Laser Sight - Leapers
Item #: LESCPLS279
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**UTG Tactical Flashlight with Pressure Pad and Mount - Leapers
Item #: LETL099PR1
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Feeder Tube of 2000 .12g Pellets - Blue - Specialized Distribution
Item #: SDP1220
$12.95 $3.00
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