H&K MP5 SP5K MP5K 94 SP89 20rd Magazine 9mm Clear - ETS

Item #: ETSHKMP520
Product Description
H&K MP5 SP5K MP5K 94 SP89 20 Round Magazine 9mm Clear - Elite Tactical Systems
Fits the HK MP5 and variants suh Zenith, MKE, Omega, POF, HK Contract MP5 9mm Variants, MP5 style SW5, BW5, CA94, D54, V94, clones or other custom builds. Also fits SP5K MP5K 94 SP89
The ETS pistol mag is constructed of an extreme impact resistance advanced polymer with superior heat, cold and UV resistance, translucent body, and is creep resistant which means the feed lips and body won't spread when being stored long term even when fully loaded. This mag features extremely reliable feeding, even with hollow points. Lighter than steel magazines and fits standard MP5 mag pouches and couplers.
Lifetime Warranty.
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