Deluxe Heatshield with Ghost Ring Sights Winchester Remington Mossberg - ATI Outdoors

Product Description
Heatshield w/Ghost Ring Sights Installation Guide
Step 1:
Begin by placing the guidepost of the small Ghost Ring Sight into the pilot
hole at the end of the heatshield.
Step 2: To
install the rear ghost ring sight, begin by placing the guidepost of the large
ghost ring sight into the pilot hole at the rear of the heatshield.
Step 3:
Using a phillips head screwdriver, install the provided #6 x 3/8” screw at the front
of the heatshield. Make sure the ghost ring sight is centered before the screw
is tightened.
Step 4: Using
a phillips head screwdriver, install the provided #6 x 3/8” screw at the rear
of the heatshield. Make sure the ghost ring sight is centered before the screw
is tightened.
Step 5: Begin
by removing the barrel from the shotgun. Once removed widen the front clamp on
the front of the heatshield 1/8” and slide the heatshield over the barrel and
slide to the rear. Bend the rear tabs to clamp tightly onto the barrel using a
cloth to prevent scratches on the heatshield.
Step 6:
After reinstalling the barrel, slide the heatshield so that it touches the
receiver, except on the Winchester which needs to be kept ½” from the receiver.
Step 7:
Tighten the front clamp around the barrel.
Step 8:
Install the provided (2) screws and nuts and tighten securely.
Note: Slide the forend to check for any interference between the forend and the
heatshield. File tabs or forend as required.